Film review by Colin Fraser

Suburban Mayhem
Katrina is a bitch, but is she capable of murdering her own father? If her brother wants it and she can find someone to do the dirty work, maybe she is. score

moviereview rates films from
1 (unwatchable) to 5 (unmissable)
Emily Barclay, Michael Dormand, Anthony Hayes, Steve Bastoni


Paul Goldman

Alice Bell


Rating / Running Time
MA / 95 minutes

Australian Release
October 2006

Official Site

(c) moviereview 2006
ABN 72 775 390 361

Katrina is a bitch. She confirms prejudice regarding Newcastle (for which any white-trash stereotype could be inserted) and turns up the heat. She is the counterpoint to bright, thoughtful Kiwi Celia that Barclay embodied in In My Father’s Den – Katrina is her Australian alter-ego. Brash, selfish, spiteful and quite, quite awful. Director Goldman starts with a bang, a noisy introduction scattered by the arrival of an animated text message. Even funerals aren’t safe from intruders and that’s his point: none of us are safe from Katrina. Certainly not her father in whose murder she’s been implicated. Yet this wayward daughter is a mistress manipulator whose Achilles – a distorted Electra complex born from an extreme devotion to her psychotic brother – could be her undoing. She enlists help – her long-suffering boyfriend and an enraptured half-wit among them – and lays out a plan.

Cutting up the action is a talking-head documentary that seeks to find a truth. Interviews tell different stories yet lead to the same place while explaining how an ordinary girl could grow up to be so extraordinary. The path is funny, brutal and shocking; fizzing like a bottle of cheap champagne. It is a reasonable simile given the potential that ultimately fails to pay a dividend. Disappointingly, Goldman is unwilling to draw a line between dramatic-comedy or comedy-drama, or enable us to draw our own. As if he too has been stunned by Hurricane Katrina, he takes a bet each way and leaves the moral compass swinging - a weak resolution that heightens a sense of trickery. Notwithstanding the robust talent on this project, Suburban Mayhem lingers as a cartoonish version of itself, like a cheap hangover. Tasty it is, full-bodied it’s not.